Saturday, 29 January 2011


Leaving behind Brixton, with its smells from the market and all the hectic hustle and bustle and stepping out onto the impeccably clean pavement of Sloane Square was like leaving one planet and arriving at another. I can't believe sometimes how diverse London is, that you can hop on and off the tube and feel as though you've landed in another country.
To be honest, you could almost smell the green, it was almost overwhelming actually, in a weird 'omg your so rich,  i don't belong here, but at the same time it must be nice to have some money, will you adopt me?' kind of a way .. do you know what i mean?
'Peter Jones' is 'John Lewis' but it's more opulent, gift wrapped counterpart and sits opposite the station. When we were inside I felt strangely out of place, like because i wasn't wearing anything half decent i sort of didnt belong there ... anyways why i'm talking about this I don't know .. I think even the gum on the road had been polished..

anyway ...

So yeah, the Saatchi .. these pieces stood out for me ..  not that my opinion means anything:

Juliana Cerqueira Leite 'Oh'
2010, Latex and Cheesecloth

This bulbous, balloon like sculpture had such great texture, I think made using fingers ... its funny how round things always seem to look kind of friendly or animated .. it looked as though it had just rolled its way into the gallery and had nestled itself in it's white corner..

'I'ts like an entity or an organic mass and becomes warped by the weight of itself' Juliana Cerqueira Leite (Picture by Picture Guide)

This on the other hand i found really quite scary and disturbing:

Alexander Hoda 'Pile Up' 2008
Polystyrene, latex, resin, rubber, found objects

It reminded me funnily enough, of the Peter Pan statue in Hyde Park because you had to walk all the way around it to get a real sense of it and appreciate the details (i particularly liked the octopus tentacles)
It looked sort of like a beast emerging out of oil .. or that moment when the audience assumes that evil has been thwarted, only to have it gush, claw, burst and bust it's way back to life ..

 Idris Khan 'Every .... Bernd And Hilla Becher Gable Sided Houses' 2004

this triptych was really incredible, they were just really majestic, impressive and imposing but also sensitive. like shadows or echoes, etchings, traces ...

Graham Hudson 'All My Exes Live in Tesco's'
Timber, steel, plastic, electric fans, lighting, tape

For some reason I've been really drawn to sculptural pieces, and this one in particular i really liked ..
piles of things perched precariously on metal rods .. it's imposing because of it's sheer size, and also because the materials aren't dissimilar to something you'd find at a tip, but I also noted how, actually really beautiful it was.. in the pamphlet the artist calls the work 'delicate' and 'fragile' ... like an ornament i guess, albeit a large one.

Tessa  Farmer 'Swarm' 2004

there was a swarm of people around this piece (haha) people were ooing and ahhing .. but i mean it
really was amazing .. i love things in miniature anyways, but these tiny things were precious but also kind of made me itch ... i love that instead of ants attacking prey it was tiny human skeletons (less than 1cm in height and all hand-crafted) ... its really a 'seeing it' kind of piece, the insects suspended in flight creating an animated scene that the viewer can walk around, discovering little things ..  photographs don't do it justice ... go see it!

Richard Wilson '20:50' 1987
used sump oil, steel

This piece made me sad that i had not been to the Saatchi before, its definitely a masterpiece!
Its just such a series of discoveries for the viewer..

'ergh man it stinks in here'
'omg that floor is so shiny, it must take ages to polish'
'look down!'
'wait so, its a giant black mirror?'
'omg guys it's oil!'

I really found it fascinating, just really engaging and exciting and also actually funny.. like Wilson was playing games almost ..

Anne Hardy 'Cell' 2004

Lastly I really loved this photograph, actually all her photography was inspiring but I particularly liked this one .. it sort of reminds me of the 'playpens' that McDonalds used to have .. those small dens you'd have to squish your way into or like a rabbit hutch or ... i don't know .. but there's something about it that i just really like ..

anyways ..  good night.

Friday, 28 January 2011

a minute of your time ... documentary shots/reflection/final film

so this project has come to a conclusion! and overall i really am proud of the outcome. we worked together well and out of all the chaos came something quite beautiful...

i dont always like working in groups because of possible conflict but actually if you can overcome that and use the combined talents then the result can be quite amazing ...

    experimental filming ... eating sweets as fast as possible .. blowing bubbles etc ..

Lucie recorded the popping candy on a mic and edited to accompain the visuals which we filmed in a darkened corridor ...

i think we really captured the sound in a way that gives it a haunting, eerie, claustrophobic, echo-ey, cavern-esque quality, you can't quite place it ... are you in a cave or someone's throat?

the close ups of the mouth looked really alien and fleshy, kind of strangely pretty but also grosse ..
the intent was that the film be up for individual interpretation, that both the audio and visuals be ambiguous and for them to work cohesively together, niether one dominating the other which i think we managed to achieve...

i really like the subtle colours in the final film, the sort of dusky pinks and greys, then the complete darkness
anyways here's the final film, be sure to watch it full screen and with good head phones!

credit goes to Beata for the great photographs ..

Thursday, 27 January 2011


so after discovering that the Wallace Collection was closed, myself and a friend (who will remain anonymous) discovered this gallery:


"oh" i said
"damien hirst"
"yeah" she said
"damien hirst"
"you know that he gets other people to make his work for him?
 then just signs them and collects the check?"

i liked this lampost in a box

 and this cross, the pills were strangely pretty and decorative ..

the scarfed guy is from 'take that' ... he was in there for about 2 minutes.


this was outside the Tate Britain, the lights change..

Mina Salimi - Spell, 2010
