Wednesday, 23 February 2011

design a dictionary 13

Went to the South London Gallery a couple weeks back and was really inspired by one piece in particular by Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard called 'Silent Sound.'

 'the tables are turned to heighten gallery visitors’ awareness of their own position as part of an audience, as a potential target for manipulation: subliminal messaging, we are told, is being employed within this immersive and powerfully moving sound experience.'

Entering the little 'cubby' hidden away at the top of a dark stair case was a little scary, within a dark circular room/space were curved seating areas and a 'control' panel that lit up to correspond with the music. 
Although the experience inside this little space was really beautiful and almost bewitching it was also unnerving due to the prospect of some subliminal message.
But aside from that, to me, it felt like I was in the womb or something, like encased or protected, ready to forget about school and make myself comfortable.
The sounds were strangely comforting and enchanting, I almost felt like I was under a spell or something.
The artist's use of sound in this piece has definitely shown me the possibilities of sound and the very real affect it can have on people and how they feel.

Taking inspiration from this piece I really want to focus on how the audio in my piece evokes feelings/emotions and works with the visual communication to create something almost sensory, so that your left feeling as though you have a better understanding of the word 'soft.'

The white lines on the image above indicate where the zips will be.

I made miniature versions of each letter out of card, using tape as the stuffing and then covering them with the fabric. The idea is to film each miniature letter individually, zoom in and then cut to a close up of each larger letter (sleeping bag/pillow) and zoom out. I will then have whom ever is inside 'animate' the letter using soft, slumpy, mumpy, frumpy, billowy movements.

quick story board:

constructing the letters

testing shapes, experimenting with positioning of body inside letters:

The 'O' is particulary cosy and comfortable!

Today I was supposed to be filming with a 'proper' camera but couldn't cos my friend wasn't able to make it, so I made do with a 10 mega pixel camera! Needless to say the quality is not great but I'll consider it a draft!
I'll be editing tomorrow, but due to technical difficulties (enough of the excuses right?) with the zoom it may not turn out to be as I intended. We shall see .. I hope all goes well!

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