Sunday, 6 February 2011

design a dictionary 2

Step 1: Pick up 'sack'

Step 2: Place over head

Step 3: Rub over face

 Two 'hoods' one lined with that soft fleece/dressing gown stuff (i used a throw from primarni) and the other with the disappointing velvet from tooting market ...

Testing it out it just doesn't feel like enough, like its not a full sensory experience like i intended .. 
I was toying with the idea of a fleece 'onesie' or something that completely envelops you head to toe, like you become soft ..but instead of rubber latex a really soft fabric .. you know when you feel something and its just so utterly luxurious and meltingly soft that you just have to snuggle up to it? Like that .. but we'll see what budget will allow .. though budget anything doesn't conjure up images of anything vaguely luxurious i'm hoping i'll be able to find something that serves as a decent substitute...


Upon further reflection i've been letting my imagination run away with me and been thinking up lots of fun ideas...
I was thinking about how i could really make the 'definition' be a fully sensory experience, much like educating those with autism (i'm familar with this as my brother is autistic)
With autism the key is to use the senses to convey meaning, so through light and play therapy, colour and sound etc the child picks up on these sensations and can then 'sense' the meaning, so understanding it through experience.
So .. how can i convey the word 'soft?' For me when i think about this word or sensation i think of duvets and blankets and teddies and marshmallows and mums and feathers and pillow fights and slumber parties and warm towels after a bath ...
ok, indulge me ... what if you were to place your feet into the comfiest slippers and then slip into an all in one made of the softest fleece? To sip a mug of delicious hot chocolate topped with those teensy marshmallows whilst  lounging in Joey Tribiani's leather chair? And then dive into pastel shades of billowing softness? Velvet throws and crinkled piles of sleeping bags and dimpled sheets and puffy down? mmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhh ...              

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